Bloemendaalseweg, Public Presentation of three potential design directions

Photo of discussions at the panels with the design visions

Photo of discussions at the panels with the design visions

At February 11th VE-R presented the outcome of a participatory design process with stakeholders group from the Bloemendaalseweg area leading up to three potential models for renewal of the full street profile of this main street in the village of Bloemendaal. Under the title Nieuw Authentiek Bloemendaal (New Authentic Bloemendaal) these three different visions were presented to a large group of inhabitants. The first variant was focussing on making the street as a whole a recognizable unity. The second variant builds on the unity of variant 1, but takes a step further in limiting the dominance of car traffic. The third variant is taking it one step further with a completely car free stretch of the densest shopping section.

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