Co-Designing Mangrove and Livelihood Restoration in Quelimane

Photos of the participative workshop and Bairro Novo, Quelimane

From February 25-27, VE-R facilitated a participatory design workshop in Quelimane focused on mangrove restoration and livelihoods. Bairro Novo faces growing challenges—floods, lack of economic opportunities, and environmental degradation. Community members from Bairro Novo, students from Eduardo Mondlane University, and key stakeholders, including the Quelimane municipality, collaborated to create a (flood) resilient future. Participants mapped…

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Bloemendaalseweg, Public Presentation of three potential design directions

Photo of discussions at the panels with the design visions

At February 11th VE-R presented the outcome of a participatory design process with stakeholders group from the Bloemendaalseweg area leading up to three potential models for renewal of the full street profile of this main street in the village of Bloemendaal. Under the title Nieuw Authentiek Bloemendaal (New Authentic Bloemendaal) these three different visions were…

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3rd Stakeholder Platform Meeting on OTP redevelopment in Kampala

OTP_3rd SPM_20210527

The 3rd Stakeholder Platform Meeting about the feasibility study of redevelopment of the Old Taxi Park in Kampala took place on the 19th and 20th of May 2021. The forum was chaired by Mrs. Amanda Ngabirano and was divided in 4 sessions during which the main priorities were discussed as a result of the analysis of the area and the…

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