
  • Location

    Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

  • Project type

    Urban plan (competition)

  • Year


  • Client

    Bahir Dar Univercity

  • Collaborators

    DASUDA, Inlabs Design (Ethiopia), BKVV Architecten, Liag (NL)

This price winning competition entry was given as main theme ‘Integration of University and City’. To our knowledge and experience the University Campus of the future is the City. In the city science, talent and prosperity are all blooming in an urban environment where people interact, share and compete. Businesses all over the world are looking for these environments and there is a large global interest in the emerging markets of Africa. So the development of a large University campus is not only a collection of facilities by itself. We believe the University of tomorrow should be an open place, with extravert relations to its surrounding environment and act with that open attitude to the world. The Bahir Dar University, near the source of life and civilization Lake Tana and Blue Nile river, has everything to do so and can be the leading university in east Africa of tomorrow.